Showing posts with label 销售产品. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 销售产品. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 December 2020

圣诞特备大豆蜡香薰蜡烛 Soy Wax Scented Candles Christmas

香氛蜡烛目前是许多家具装饰的一种选择。无论是你想要在家营造温馨舒适的氛围、欢乐的朋友聚餐,还是静静的享受“Me Time”, 点燃一支香薰蜡烛就没错了。蜡烛燃烧受热,加快精油挥发。香薰蜡烛提升环境的格调,给生活添加仪式感,让生活变得更精致和高品味。


什么是大豆蜡 What is Soy Wax



大豆蜡(Soy Wax) 来自植物;石蜡(Parafin Wax)来自石油, 是石油衍生产品


大豆蜡烛的烛光比较温和,熔点比石蜡还要低。同样大小的蜡烛,大豆蜡烛能燃烧时间更久。溶化后的大豆蜡液能当成手部按摩油,滋润我们的皮肤。由于大豆蜡是植物性质的蜡,它不会产生浓烟和烟灰(Carbon Neutral),不会造成空气污染的问题。但石蜡会释放浓烟外,空气中也布满我们肉眼看不到的燃烧物体的残渣。有些石蜡含有添加剂和化学物,使它的香气保持更久。长期燃烧石蜡释放出来的浓烟会把白色的天花板或墙壁熏黑外,使得空气质量变差。对我们的健康有危害,皮肤敏感,哮喘是普通常见的症状,而更严重的甚至会导致疾病。


大豆蜡烛的熔点比起石蜡低,它能释放的精油香气也比较温和,比起石蜡香气较淡。大豆蜡烛是环保和再生资源的原材料(Eco-Friendly & Renewable & Sustainable),但是它的价格比石蜡稍微高。


  • 使用大豆蜡烛最长时间为4小时,让空间有足够的新鲜空气流通。
  • 不要直接用口吹灭蜡烛,应该把蜡芯埋进蜡液里弄熄灭火焰。或者使用附送的盖子直接盖上,不要马上拿走盖子。
  • 每次点燃蜡烛前,修剪蜡芯再重新点燃。这样能减少黑烟的产生。




Saturday 16 May 2020

【NEW ARRIVAL】Lavender Peace 香氛精油滚珠瓶 10ml RM 29 // Pre-diluted Essential Roll-on 10ml RM 29


我们选用100% 纯植物进口精油 (绝对不是人工合成香精)。


Lavender Peace Pre-diluted Roll-On 10ml RM 29
Benefits / 效益:
Helps promote a calm relaxed environment. Use before a restful sleep.
Soothing and calming to the senses.
Unwind with the lulling aroma of Lavender Peace.

Ingredients / 成份: 
Lavender Flower, Cedarwood, Ho Wood Leaf, Ylang Ylang Flower, Marjoram Leaf, Roman Chamomile Flower, Vetiver Root, Vanilla Bean Absolute, Hawaiian Sandalwood Wood

Directions / 使用指南:
Directions: apply to wrists or heart /  涂抹在手腕/胸膛

Attention / 注意: 
*Our essential oil product is made-to-order basis to ensure the quality / 根据订单新鲜调制
*Pre-diluted to ensure adult safety / 已稀释确保安全使用
*Diluted essential oils only can be used for skin application. NON EDIBLE / 只供外用,不可食用
*Always do a patch test prior to use / 使用前请进行贴肤测试

Disclaimer / 声明:

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease / 本产品不用于诊断、治疗、治愈或预防任何疾病

Thursday 14 May 2020

【NEW ARRIVAL】Balance香氛精油滚珠瓶 10ml RM 26 // Pre-diluted Essential Roll-on 10ml RM 26


我们选用100% 纯植物进口精油 (绝对不是人工合成香精)。


BALANCEC Pre-diluted Roll-On 10ml RM 26
Benefits / 效益:
creates a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere/ 带来宁静促进放松
to bring harmony to the mind and body/镇定心情给予人们幸福感以前美洲原住民曾使用云杉精油以利健康和心灵之照,直到今天依旧作为身心调和。蓝艾菊和洋甘菊能减缓焦虑;乳香可带来安稳平衡的情绪。

Ingredients / 成份: 
Spruce Leaf, Ho Wood Leaf, Frankincense Resin, Blue Tansy Flower, Blue Chamomile Flower, and Osmanthus Flower essential oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil

Directions / 使用指南:
Directions: apply to wrists or neck/ 涂抹在手腕/颈项


Attention / 注意: 
*Our essential oil product is made-to-order basis to ensure the quality / 根据订单新鲜调制
*Pre-diluted to ensure adult safety / 已稀释确保安全使用
*Diluted essential oils only can be used for skin application. NON EDIBLE / 只供外用,不可食用
*Always do a patch test prior to use / 使用前请进行贴肤测试

Disclaimer / 声明:
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease / 本产品不用于诊断、治疗、治愈或预防任何疾病

Monday 4 May 2020

【NEW ARRIVAL】RELAX TRANQUIL MEDITATION 香氛精油滚珠瓶 10ml RM 18-RM 22 // Pre-diluted Essential Roll-on 10ml RM 18-RM 22


我们选用100% 纯植物进口精油 (绝对不是人工合成香精)。


1. RELAX Pre-diluted Roll-On 10ml (Recommend) RM 18-RM 22
  • To help promote a peaceful of mind and relaxing/促进和平,安宁的心态
  • Great for emotional support after your whole busy day/ 忙碌一天后给与情感支持
  • Helping in falling asleep, getting a full night of restful sleep / 失眠必备 - 协助快速入眠。
  • Directions: apply to arm, wrists or temples/ 涂抹在手臂/手腕/太阳穴
  • Ingredients: Lavender, Marjoram, Mandarin, Patchouli, Geranium Bourbon, Roman Chamomile

2. TRANQUIL Pre-diluted Roll On 10ml RM 18 - RM 22
  • To achieve calming and relaxation/ 达到镇定和放松效果
  • help to reduce worry and it’s effect/ 减少忧虑不安
  • Helping you to feel more relax and bringing about a sense of wellbeing/帮助您感到更加放松并带来幸福感
  • Directions: apply to wrists or temples/ 涂抹在手腕/太阳穴
  • · Ingredients/成份: Bergamot, Patchouli, Blood Orange, Ylang Ylang Complete, Grapefruit Pink.

3. MEDITATION Pre-diluted Roll On 10ml RM 17 - RM 20
  • Helps evoke a calm alertness, help to calm down busy mind/唤起镇定机制,平息忙碌的心灵
  • Helping to take you into a calmer, more meditative state of mind/帮助您进入平静,沉思的状态
  • Recommend to use when doing yoga, reading, meditation practice, before bed time/ 建议瑜伽、阅读、冥想、睡前等需要平静思绪时使用
  • Ingredients成份: Ylang Ylang Complete, Patchouli, Frankincense Serrata, Clary Sage, Orange Sweet, Thyme Thymol

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